well good news at least for me i guess, and some of my aussie friends. for those that don't know, i may be staying a 2nd semester here as long as i can find classes (and get into them) that will transfer back to tech.
other than that what else is new? well yesterday about 9 of us got together to play a little game of soccer. i enjoyed it mostly 'cause i really haven't kicked a soccer ball since around november or so. found out i've lost my endurance in running. which makes me remember how i had planned to be running in the mornings after i had settled into my room and here it is 4 months later and have i gone running, nope.
oh yeah, also my dad is coming to australia in a few days. excited about that, although i have a somewhat big assignment due while he's here. shouldn't be too hard to do though 'cause i've already had to do the presentation side of it and now i just have to type up the actual report.
well thats all i can really think of right now. hope all of you (at SDSM&T, CSU, etc) do/did well on your finals. laters
It's getting colder here too. Snow like cold. There's a winter storm warning out for the next couple days. Figures, just after I have jenkins shaved for the summer. Poor guy.
That is great that you will be staying for another semester. If you look hard enough there should be courses you can take. Hope so!
Hey, cool! A visitor ... Yeah, it's snowing here today. Erg. That's not supposed to happen (I don't care if it's South Dakota! It's still May!)
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