Monday, October 31, 2005

no more classes

k so actually thursday was my last day of classes, but i was busy until now. i got my project/presentation and assignments done, which i was glad about. still have one more assignment/project that's due on friday, but it shouldn't be that hard, we just got to analyze the numbers we have and put it on a webpage. unless something really drastic happens i'm pretty sure it won't take that long (might just take a while remembering how to use frontpage or whatnot in order to make the webpage).

lets see, stonefest was fun, although i wish i woulda known some of the bands/songs. i knew about a total of 3 songs the whole time (one of which was a cover song). i knew the song "someday" by thirsty merk (or something like that only 'cause its on a commercial for a tv show) and a song by the living end (which i think was called "society" but i'm not sure on that one). either way it was fun.

also helped a friend (morgan) clean out their garage (well kinda, there's still heaps of stuff in it, but it's better organized). his dad broke his back last week, while at working playing paintball or some sort of training exercise (his dad works for the army, military or something like that). his dad's doing pretty good, he's able to walk, but just not allowed to bend or anything like that. i think his dad is going to be able to get out of the hospital in about a month or so. i think i might try to get some people together and make them dinner or something. oh well.

not much sure of what else has been going on. gonna meet up with some people around 6 and its about 5:30 now (oh yeah i'm now 18 hrs ahead of denver/rapid city). anyways, laters

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

guess what

well guess what....i'm taking another break from typing my report/project. don't you just hate it when you type something but then realize that you didn't need to type it after all, especially when you spend about an hour typing it? well that's what i did earlier today. i thought i was suppose to type the intro for the report, but nope i wasn't. oh well. im' just suppose to type the discussion and conclusion. which to me is about the same thing. i know it really isn't but in the conclusion it's gonna be just the same points as what was made in the discussion part. oh well.

gonna be so glad when tomorrow is over, or at least after i turn in all of my assignments. i'm stinks that i'm too busy to do the stonefest events, but then again the events/activities are just all drinking. like tomorrow is called "case a day" each person is "suppose" to drink a case (not a 6 pack or whatnot, but a case) during the day. i'm really sure i'm not gonna do that. 1-i have a presentation tomorrow 2-i still will be working on the project preparing for the presentation, not to mention finishing up my assignments and 3-i really don't want to be drunk all day (don't really see too much of a point to it). oh well.

saw the movie In the Blue (i think that was the name of it) last night. it has jessica alba and paul walker in it and its about treasure and drugs or whatnot. it was pretty good. not worth full price to see it (although i don't think any movies are ever worth paying full price to see). oh yeah over the weekend i also saw the movie Down With Love. that was a pretty funny movie. was kinda iffy on watching it but it was hilarious. favorite line in it would probably when one of the guys was trying get his friend to go on an interview and he said "i only have to offer women what you have to offer, you" typing it really doesn't make it sound as funny but when watching it it was just hilarious.

back to homework for a while until i take another break before heading to class.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

hw break (again)

ok so maybe not a quick comment afterall, as i'm tired of looking at my homework/project that i've been typing (although it's only been for like an hour). just wish i could type it out (without it costing me like $5 or more). oh well, i should be able to use a friends computer/printer later today. it's just easier to type/write things when you can rummage thru your research and have it spread all over a room (my prefered method) than trying to fit several different Word documents on a computer screen.

there's heaps of things i need to do this week, but it's gonna be really hard to stay focused, well at least on the school side of the things that i need to do. mostly it's because its stoneweek, like i said earlier with all the events/activities that are going to be going on. but also 'cause i want to be spending time with friends and such since i'm gonna be coming back to the states in like 26 days or so. once this week is done though i'll be able to relax a bit.

ok back to hw, at least until i'm suppose to go meet a friend for lunch.

quick comment

hey just letting everyone know that i'm back from melbourne and that it was a blast. but now i have to work double hard as i didn't do any homework over the weekend like i had planned to, but it was worth going and i'll be able to get everything i need to done. probably won't be able to partake in all of the stoneweek events, but that's ok as most of them will involve just getting pissed (drunk) and right now i have better things to be doing that doing that. well anyways, back to hw. laters

Thursday, October 20, 2005

yellow dots

there are yellow dots everywhere (kinda) in the computer lab i'm in right now and no i'm not hallucinating. they are yellow sticker dots which are on all of the computers (monitor and tower). i'm assuming that the dots mean that the object is in working condition as this lab was "under maintenance" for the last week or 2.

well things can be summed up in one way SSDD (same stuff different day). although i am heading to melbourne tomorrow morning so that's actually something different. it was kinda a last minute decision as in deciding last night to go (a friend was going and said i could go with him).

and now my computer lab is about to start so i should probably pay attention or whatnot (although i still think that the person that runs it doesn't have a clue of what he's doing as he's just the tutor or whatnot and not the lecturer). laters

k i just realized i repeated myself from my last entry about heading to melbourne but i'm to lazy to erase it, but oddly enough i'm typing saying that i know i repeated myself, go figure.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

quick homework break

amazingly i've actually been working on my homework/project that's due next week. similarily it's amazing (actually kinda stupid) that the way that i'm taking a break from typing up my part of the project is to sit and continue typing but on my blog instead. It's about 10:45 (probably will be close to 11 after i finish typing this), but i plan on getting as much done as i can tonight and then again tomorrow. although the only reason i'm working hard right now is 'cause there's some people heading to melbourne this weekend and said i could go with them. the only way i think i can go is if i get a lot of my project part and another assignment done. Good thing i've already started on the assignment as well, just have to do a couple of things on SPSS (a statistics program) for it. on my project i just have to make complete sentences out of the rough draft and notes that i took/made for my part of the project.

although i was also suppose to be meeting someone for coffee on friday, but if i go to melbourne i won't be able to meet. hopefully it won't matter if it gets postponed to monday or whatnot since i've only been to melbourne once and that really wasn't for very long and once again i'll be able to just catch a ride with someone and will have a free place to stay at, which is always a positive. well back to typing my part of the project and it is about 11 now, imagine that. laters

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

door tried to eat me

ok, so it was actually a couple days ago that a door tried to eat me, but still. it was one of those automatic sliding open doors and it was starting to close but i just kept walking and i don't think the sensor thingy "saw" me so the doors just continued to close. however, i escaped unscathed (one of the positives of being kinda small).

still not much new, just working on projects and assignments (well kinda, mostly just the projects as they're worth more). when the due dates start to get a lot closer (as they already are kinda close) then i'll start working on the assignments, but my main objective now is to do well on the things that are worth more of my grade.

looking forward to next weekend as there's a 2-day concert thing. there's gonna be a dozen bands or so i think they said. i'll have to look up to see which bands are playing. there's one punk band that people keep saying is playing and the name sounds really familiar (although i can't think of it right now) so i'm pretty sure i've heard their songs. i just looked it up and the band i'm thinking of is The Living End. if you want to check it out for yourself the webpage for it is

well i have class soon. laters

Sunday, October 16, 2005


must. . . stay. . . . awake. . . . and . . . focused

ok so it is only like 8:45pm here, but still i've been sitting at this computer since like 6:30 and am having a hard time staying focused on my project. it would be so much easier if i could just print out everything i've found, but it's 15 cents a page and i have like 30 pages or more of research (after changing all the fonts to 9 or 10). plus i'm kinda cheap when it comes to that regard (i don't want to have to pay for something if i don't wanna, although i think i'm not the only one like that).

just in case any of you are wondering what i've been doing for my project on alternative fuel for automobiles, so far i've just been finding and reading all i can on biodiesel fuel (already did all i could with solar power) and trying to sum things up so it's easy to read when the report needs to be typed. i wonder if the other 2 people in my group are as bored as i am. i'd give up on working on the project for tonight, but we're having i group meeting tomorrow and i want to make sure that i have all my stuff done for it, as i don't wanna appear to be a slacker (even though i kinda am :o), well sorta).

so back to reading and summarizing, well maybe not until 9:15. laters

oh yeah, 5 weeks left

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

research = boring

wow i just realized how much my last entry was like i did this, then i did this, then this. sorry about that. oh well

so not much new going on. i heard it snowed heaps in colorado. that's one thing i'm really not looking forward to (going from like 80-90 degree weather to snow). although it might not be that bad as sometimes its not too cold when there's snow.

its nice how procrastination pays off every now and then (well kinda). all the groups in one of my classes haven't really started their projects so the due date might be extended. i'm hoping it's gonna be, but don't want to really count on it. i'm just hoping that after my next group meeting we can move off the research phase of it, as i think i'm running low on webpages that actually have useful info. also i'm getting really bored of just reading stuff, i want to start typing up the report or start the powerpoint. actually i'm not sure we're going to use a powerpoint 'cause from the consensus in class a couple weeks ago, nobody really likes it. i was kinda stunned as you at Tech know, they've kinda drilled how important/useful a powerpoint presentation is. i'm thinking though that the people didn't know how to really make them as they were saying stuff about how people always put too much stuff on the different slides. to me that meant that they needed to take a class like tech comm.

my hands/arms smell like chlorine. just so you know that's not completely random, i was itching my nose and i was reminded of one of the draw backs of going swimming (you smell like chlorine for the rest of the day if not longer). oh well.

i like that phrase a lot "oh well" or i tend to use it heaps. another word i use heaps but didn't realize it until a couple weeks ago is "granted". whenever i'm trying to decide something that's kinda difficult i always end up using granted.

well my stomach's starting to grumble which means its time to go eat something, only to eat again in several hours. might have another post later today still as i'm gonna be heading back to a computer lab to do more research (arrrgggghhh). laters

Monday, October 10, 2005

Rez Ball and Recovery Day

so Saturday was heaps of fun. i was a tourist at the beginning of the day (i went with another exchange student to the parliament house (the new and old one) and a couple other places). but that really wasn't the fun part. the fun part was the Res Ball that started around 6 (kinda). Buses picked everyone up from campus at 6 to take us to the hotel that the formal dinner/dance was at. the dinner didn't really start until about 7/7:30. it was good, the meal was either steak or chicken. the chicken was better as it had a better sauce (i had the steak, but finished a friends chicken). for the dinner it was alternate served (the people to the left and right of you had the opposite of what you had). the dessert was also really good, i had the sticky date pudding (which is actually a cake not pudding). didn't do all that much dancing, mostly just socializing with people i hadn't seen in a while. then around 11:30 there were buses that headed into civic (city center) or back to campus. i went into civic until about 2:30.

sunday was heaps of fun, although it woulda been better if the weather woulda cooperated instead of being sunny for like 5 minutes, rainy/cloudy for 5 min, then sunny again, etc. at Recovery Day there was live music and free drinks all day (it started at 10:30) and pizza showed up at 12 and 3. although if you weren't quick w/ the pizza you missed out as it disappeared in like 5 minutes (just like the weather changed). oh yeah!!!!! there was also a jumping castle. i don't think a person ever really outgrows a jumping castle, well maybe they do after they graduate from uni but i'm in no hurry to test that theory (sorry mom and dad :o). well its about 11pm and i've probably taken too long of a study break now, so back to hw/researching for my group projects. laters

oh yeah, sorry for adding the word verification in order leave a comment, just want to keep from getting spam comments, although i haven't gotten one in a while. laters

Thursday, October 06, 2005

bad sign for test???

a little bored and thought i'd take a bit of a study break. is it a bad sign for a test (difficulty wise) when you are allowed to use the book and a page of notes? i'm kinda thinking it is. although the lecturer also said that non of the problems on the test would be like the examples in the book or like the problems we've done in the tutorials (aka recitations for you tech people). unless i mis-heard him but i'm pretty sure i didn't. oh well i'm hoping/pretty sure i'll do fine in it.

the weather being nice makes it pretty hard to study. tried studying a bit earlier today, but i think my first mistake was that i tried studying outside, although i think one of my arms (the one facing the sun more than the other one) is gonna have a nice tan/burn line for a while. i suppose its a good thing that i've already planned to do most of my studying tonight though, as during the days it's just too hard to.

well back to trying to study. actually i'll probably try to find something to eat before i have a to go to my statistics/probability lab later today. laters

oh yeah, the 2 little bumps from whatever bit me are going away :)

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


well made it back from the concert thingy and all. it was pretty good. i would rate it at about a 7.5 out of 10. i think during the camping or whatnot i got bit by something as i have 2 little bumps on my arm. hopefully if something did bite me it wasn't all that poisonous.

this week is going to be kinda boring, well that is until the weekend when Rez Ball is. i still need to find something to wear, although i am really tempted to just wear jeans. oh well. oh yeah back to this week. its just gonna be a bit stressful, just with an assignment being due and a test later this week as well.

yup, not much else to say.