Sunday, March 06, 2005


so, just got done playing/practising volleyball. i had only planned on playing on the recreation league (and only had taken enough money to pay the dues for that), but they asked if i wouldn't mind playing on the state reserve team. of course i said i would. in reality though i think it'll be fun since i am a bit competitive and state league is the highest i think, or pretty close. its also kinda fun since i'm only this little 5ft 6in (5'7" max) person.

last night was heaps of fun. ended up not going to the fireworks display. it was kinda windy and a little cold (for the aussies i was going with, i thought the weather was fine). but we ended up playing board/card games. the first game we played (i took over for someone) was monopoly. i think i did pretty well for myself, since when i took over for the person, all the properties had already been bought and she had only had one. i merged with one person (who is also from colorado), putting all our money and property together (my one property). this was after a couple other people had already merged together. then a third person merged with us. in the end there was only 3 different teams playing. my team was the first one to go bankrupt. oh well. after monopoly we played cranium, which was fun but really hard since all the questions dealt with australian terms, models, etc. (luckily i was on a team w/ 2 aussies). the game went on for a while. then after cranium so people left so we decided to play cards.

back to the other person (jon) from colorado. we both have the nickname "colorado", so when we're both in the same place he's colorado, and i'm colorado 2.0 (or dazza). anyways, the library just made an anouncement that it is getting ready to close, so hope all of you at Tech are having a fun spring break, and those of you elsewhere, i hope you're having fun too. cheers

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